village chaos campaign character choices.

1.Occupations: choose an occupation.(these serve as part one of your character background)

The Baker: you start with a d8 rolling pin as a weapon, a 30 silver bag of flour, a hat, 3 d6 kitchen knives and one d8 kitchen knife, a bag of salt, a bag of sugar, and three pastries of your choice. bonus: you gain advantage on charisma rolls, and rolls about food.

The Smith: you start with a d10 hammer, a 2d6 longsword, a +2 AC smith's apron, resistance to fire, +2 strength, advantage on intimidate (unless you are a gnome)jk. proficiency with all weapons, you have a pocket full of soot, raw iron and silver and olacite ore in a backpack, a billows, smith's tools, 37 iron ingots and a pair of scissors.

The Librarian: you start with three unread books, a jar of ink, 7 sheaves of paper, a quill (d4+str+dex), a d8 staff, (books do d6) advantage on all knowledge rolls, 212 silver coins, int +4 wis +3, advantage on sneak.

The watchman: AC+3, 2 swords one that does 2d6 and a d8 sword, d10 bow and arrows (use dex mod) +3 str +3 dex advantage on intimidate, key to the guard tower and city gate, connections to the black market, key to the prison.

A priest of the local temple: you are a cleric of the local guard and people are less likely to beat you in a fight -5 likely in fact :)

the innkeeper: 300 silver a tankard of ale access to all the city gossip +4cha +5dex and you happen to have a d8 staff and a d10 gun and 3 d6 swords and a shield as well as a myriad of other things and alcohols

Mayor: your position is everything, you start with a key to the city hall, the prison, the bank and the guard tower, the right to ask anybody and everybody anything and the right to be addressed as Lord or Madam mayor. Cha+5 and advantage on persuasion rolls. key does d4+str+dex damage. you also have a pair of d6 hidden blades, and your fine apparel adds 2 to your ac. you have 500 silver coins.

Dockhand: you work in the docks you are a rogue and you can swim pretty well, also you can make amazing knots, and you like to get drunk, the innkeeper probably knows you well.

town musician: you are the local bard you have an instrument of your choice that does d8 damage and you have 2d6 damage dealing daggers as well as music that does d10 affects to people

2.Clans: choose a clan (this is part two)
here below are the clan tartans of the main goblin clans, choose one you like.
 clan Ullem (Hobgoblin): the nobody-wanted-us clan, the kind hearted less swashbuckling clan that is occasionally vicious.
 clan Faile: the swashbuckling clan.
 Clan Macikodac: the elf-friend clan (gnomes are mostly these guys)
 Clan Maddakexfi: the wealthy clan, the we have good-food-and-warm-beds-and-let-people-use-them clan
Clan Macidalnoc: the father clan, the first clan
Clan Macigolu: the rugged clan, the brute clan. the giant and dwarf friend clan.
 Clan Makkolakexfi: the merchant clan, the adventuring clan.
.Characters:(choose a base character)

Goblin Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Fey     Level: 1
Str: 11     Con: 14     Dex: 14     Int: 16     Wis: 8     Cha: 16
Fort: 12   Ref: 15     Will: 14     AC: 14     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 26           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 8
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Eyebite
Level 1 Daily: Dread Star
Level 1 Encounter: Dreadful Word
Skills: Arcana 8, Bluff 8, History 8, Religion 8
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Goblin Rogue         Tactic: Artful Dodger     Level: 1
Str: 12     Con: 11     Dex: 18     Int: 11     Wis: 8     Cha: 18
Fort: 11   Ref: 17     Will: 14     AC: 16     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 23           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 6
At-will exploits:     Deft Strike     Piercing Strike
Level 1 Daily: Trick Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Positioning Strike
Skills: Stealth 11, Thievery 11, Acrobatics 9, Bluff 9, Intimidate 9, Insight 4
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: rangers
Sucker For: eladrins
Favourite Sin: Sloth       Favourite Virtue: Chastity       Trusts in: Corellon
She sometimes writes poetry in secret. Her favourite color is light blue.
Goblin Ranger         Fighting Style: Archer     Level: 1
Str: 14     Con: 12     Dex: 18     Int: 8     Wis: 14     Cha: 13
Fort: 13   Ref: 16     Will: 12     AC: 17     Armor: hide
Hit Points: 24           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 7
At-will exploits:     Careful Attack     Twin Strike
Level 1 Daily: Sudden Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Evasive Strike
Skills: Dungeoneering 7, Acrobatics 9, Stealth 11, Athletics 7, Endurance 6
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: the adoration of the masses
Sucker For: dudes/damsels in distress
Favourite Sin: Vanity       Favourite Virtue: Patience       Trusts in: Erathis
She has friends in low places. Her favourite color is red-orange.
Halfling Fighter         Weapon: Heavy Blade     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 11     Dex: 18     Int: 11     Wis: 12     Cha: 10
Fort: 15   Ref: 14     Will: 11     AC: 20     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 26           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 9
At-will exploits:     Sure Strike     Cleave
Level 1 Daily: Comeback Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Covering Attack
Skills: Athletics 8, Heal 6, Streetwise 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: members of the opposite sex
Sucker For: rogues
Favourite Sin: Envy       Favourite Virtue: Patience       Trusts in: Order
She once had a very important prayer go unanswered. Her lucky number is 6.
Halfling Fighter         Weapon: Staff     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 14     Dex: 14     Int: 11     Wis: 14     Cha: 10
Fort: 15   Ref: 12     Will: 12     AC: 19     Armor: scale
Hit Points: 29           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 11
At-will exploits:     Cleave     Sure Strike
Level 1 Daily: Comeback Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Spinning Sweep
Skills: Athletics 8, Endurance 7, Heal 7
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: sappy romantic things
Sucker For: excessive alcohol
Favourite Sin: Envy       Favourite Virtue: Patience       Trusts in: Pelor
He is an only child. His birthday is in the eleventh month of the year.
Str: 17     Con: 11     Dex: 17     Int: 10     Wis: 12     Cha: 10
Fort: 15   Ref: 13     Will: 11     AC: 19     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 26           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 9
At-will exploits:     Sure Strike     Reaping Strike
Level 1 Daily: Comeback Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Covering Attack
Skills: Athletics 8, Heal 6, Intimidate 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: paladins
Sucker For: foriegn customs/accents
Favourite Sin: Lust       Favourite Virtue: Kindness       Trusts in: Bahamut
He is deeply religious. His favourite color is brown.
Halfling Fighter         Weapon: Hammer     Level: 1
Str: 14     Con: 14     Dex: 14     Int: 12     Wis: 14     Cha: 13
Fort: 14   Ref: 12     Will: 12     AC: 18     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 29           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 11
At-will exploits:     Reaping Strike     Tide of Iron
Level 1 Daily: Brute Strike
Level 1 Encounter: Steel Serpent Strike
Skills: Athletics 7, Endurance 7, Intimidate 6
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: dwarves
Sucker For: irony
Favourite Sin: Wrath       Favourite Virtue: Temperance       Trusts in: Chaos
He has a younger sibling who gets into trouble. His favourite color is silver.
Halfling Cleric         Deity: Kord     Level: 1
Str: 15     Con: 11     Dex: 12     Int: 12     Wis: 15     Cha: 15
Fort: 12   Ref: 11     Will: 14     AC: 17     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 23           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will prayers:     Lance of Faith     Sacred Flame
Level 1 Daily: Avenging Flame
Level 1 Encounter: Healing Strike
Skills: Religion 6, Heal 7, Diplomacy 7, Insight 7
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: large cities
Sucker For: the adoration of the masses
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Chastity       Trusts in: Nothing
He is very good at whittling. His favourite drink is cider.
Hobgoblin Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Star     Level: 1
Str: 17     Con: 18     Dex: 15     Int: 12     Wis: 14     Cha: 18
Fort: 14   Ref: 13     Will: 15     AC: 14     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 30           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 10
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Dire Radiance
Level 1 Daily: Dread Star
Level 1 Encounter: Diabolic Grasp
Skills: Arcana 6, Bluff 9, Intimidate 9, Religion 6
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: runaways and orphans
Sucker For: fighters
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Humility       Trusts in: Erathis
He once had a very important prayer go unanswered. His favourite drink is rum.

Hobgoblin Warlord         Commanding Presence: Inspiring     Level: 1
Str: 14     Con: 10     Dex: 14     Int: 14     Wis: 13     Cha: 14
Fort: 13   Ref: 12     Will: 13     AC: 18     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will exploits:     Furious Smash     Wolf Pack Tactics
Level 1 Daily: Bastion of Defense
Level 1 Encounter: Guarding Attack
Skills: Diplomacy 7, Athletics 9, History 9, Heal 6
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: rogues
Sucker For: lost causes
Favourite Sin: Avarice       Favourite Virtue: Temperance       Trusts in: Strength
She nearly died of an illness several years ago. Her lucky number is 12.

Hobgoblin Cleric         Deity: Raven Queen     Level: 1
Str: 13     Con: 10     Dex: 14     Int: 6     Wis: 18     Cha: 14
Fort: 11   Ref: 12     Will: 16     AC: 18     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will prayers:     Lance of Faith     Sacred Flame
Level 1 Daily: Guardian of Faith
Level 1 Encounter: Wrathful Thunder
Skills: Religion 3, Heal 9, Insight 9, History 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: creepy crawly things
Sucker For: members of the opposite sex
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Courage
She was a hellion as a child. Her favourite drink is ale.

Hobgoblin Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Fey     Level: 1
Str: 11     Con: 10     Dex: 16     Int: 18     Wis: 9     Cha: 18
Fort: 10   Ref: 15     Will: 15     AC: 15     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 6
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Eyebite
Level 1 Daily: Curse of the Dark Dream
Level 1 Encounter: Vampiric Embrace
Skills: Arcana 9, Bluff 9, History 11, Thievery 8
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: get rich quick schemes
Sucker For: tortured pasts
Favourite Sin: Envy       Favourite Virtue: Temperance       Trusts in: Sehanine
She is very good at whittling. Her favourite color is blue-green.

Hobgoblin Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Star     Level: 1
Str: 12     Con: 18     Dex: 10     Int: 16     Wis: 8     Cha: 18
Fort: 14   Ref: 14     Will: 15     AC: 12     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 30           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 10
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Dire Radiance
Level 1 Daily: Flames of Phlegethos
Level 1 Encounter: Diabolic Grasp
Skills: Arcana 8, Bluff 9, Intimidate 9, Insight 4
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: warlords
Sucker For: elaborate schemes
Favourite Sin: Avarice       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Kord
She has a deep distrust of nobility. Her birthday is in the third month of the year.

Hobgoblin Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Star     Level: 1
Str: 10     Con: 18     Dex: 13     Int: 16     Wis: 14     Cha: 16
Fort: 14   Ref: 14     Will: 14     AC: 13     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 30           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 10
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Dire Radiance
Level 1 Daily: Armor of Agathys
Level 1 Encounter: Witchfire
Skills: Arcana 8, Bluff 8, History 10, Intimidate 8
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: omens and prophecies
Sucker For: challenges
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Zeal
He has an older sibling in the same profession. His favourite drink is scotch.

Hobgoblin Warlord         Commanding Presence: Tactical     Level: 1
Str: 18     Con: 10     Dex: 12     Int: 12     Wis: 12     Cha: 18
Fort: 15   Ref: 11     Will: 15     AC: 17     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will exploits:     Wolf Pack Tactics     Furious Smash
Level 1 Daily: Lead the Attack
Level 1 Encounter: Warlord's Favor
Skills: Diplomacy 9, Athletics 11, Intimidate 9, Endurance 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: romanticized outlaws
Sucker For: mysteries
Favourite Sin: Avarice       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Sehanine
He scorns superstition. His favourite drink is hot chocolate.

Hobgoblin Cleric         Deity: Bahamut     Level: 1
Str: 14     Con: 13     Dex: 16     Int: 13     Wis: 10     Cha: 16
Fort: 12   Ref: 13     Will: 15     AC: 16     Armor: hide
Hit Points: 25           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 8
At-will prayers:     Lance of Faith     Sacred Flame
Level 1 Daily: Guardian of Faith
Level 1 Encounter: Wrathful Thunder
Skills: Religion 6, Heal 5, Diplomacy 8, History 8
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: fighters
Sucker For: challenges
Favourite Sin: Avarice       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Freedom
He grew up near water. His birthday is in the ninth month of the year.

Hobgoblin Cleric         Deity: Kord     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 12     Dex: 14     Int: 10     Wis: 18     Cha: 14
Fort: 13   Ref: 12     Will: 16     AC: 18     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 24           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 8
At-will prayers:     Lance of Faith     Sacred Flame
Level 1 Daily: Cascade of Light
Level 1 Encounter: Healing Strike
Skills: Religion 5, Heal 9, Insight 9, Diplomacy 7
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: excessive alcohol
Sucker For: sappy romantic things
Favourite Sin: Vanity       Favourite Virtue: Kindness       Trusts in: Hope
He is deeply religious. His favourite drink is whiskey.
Gnome Wizard         Implement: Staff of Defense     Level: 1
Str: 8     Con: 12     Dex: 12     Int: 18     Wis: 13     Cha: 18
Fort: 11   Ref: 14     Will: 16     AC: 11     Armor: cloth
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Magic Missile     Cloud of Daggers
Level 1 Daily: Flaming Sphere
Level 1 Encounter: Icy Terrain
Skills: Arcana 11, Diplomacy 9, History 9, Religion 9
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: members of the opposite sex
Sucker For: mysteries
Favourite Sin: Lust       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Zeal
She has a relative who suffers from domestic abuse. Her lucky number is 11.

Gnome Warlord         Commanding Presence: Inspiring     Level: 1
Str: 15     Con: 11     Dex: 12     Int: 18     Wis: 10     Cha: 18
Fort: 13   Ref: 14     Will: 15     AC: 17     Armor: chainmail
Hit Points: 23           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 7
At-will exploits:     Commander's Strike     Furious Smash
Level 1 Daily: Bastion of Defense
Level 1 Encounter: Leaf on the Wind
Skills: Diplomacy 9, History 9, Intimidate 9, Heal 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: half-elves
Sucker For: strict codes of honor
Favourite Sin: Sloth       Favourite Virtue: Temperance       Trusts in: Justice
She has a relative who is an alcoholic. Her favourite season is spring.

Gnome Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Infernal     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 17     Dex: 9     Int: 17     Wis: 10     Cha: 15
Fort: 13   Ref: 14     Will: 13     AC: 11     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 29           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 9
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Hellish Rebuke
Level 1 Daily: Flames of Phlegethos
Level 1 Encounter: Witchfire
Skills: Arcana 10, History 8, Religion 8, Intimidate 7
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: happy endings
Sucker For: obscure lore
Favourite Sin: Avarice       Favourite Virtue: Chastity       Trusts in: Fear
She is running from something. Her favourite season is summer.

Gnome Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Star     Level: 1
Str: 10     Con: 10     Dex: 6     Int: 16     Wis: 14     Cha: 18
Fort: 10   Ref: 14     Will: 15     AC: 10     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 22           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 6
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Dire Radiance
Level 1 Daily: Curse of the Dark Dream
Level 1 Encounter: Dreadful Word
Skills: Arcana 10, Bluff 9, Intimidate 9, Insight 7
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: dudes/damsels in distress
Sucker For: large cities
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Humility       Trusts in: Courage
He is very bad at math. His favourite color is white.

Gnome Wizard         Implement: Orb of Imposition     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 18     Dex: 18     Int: 18     Wis: 10     Cha: 16
Fort: 14   Ref: 14     Will: 15     AC: 14     Armor: cloth
Hit Points: 28           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 10
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Cloud of Daggers     Scorching Burst
Level 1 Daily: Acid Arrow
Level 1 Encounter: Force Orb
Skills: Arcana 11, History 9, Religion 9, Nature 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: foriegn customs/accents
Sucker For: paladins
Favourite Sin: Sloth       Favourite Virtue: Kindness       Trusts in: Melora
He has a lovely singing voice. His favourite drink is ale.

Gnome Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Infernal     Level: 1
Str: 14     Con: 14     Dex: 10     Int: 19     Wis: 13     Cha: 19
Fort: 12   Ref: 15     Will: 15     AC: 12     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 26           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 8
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Hellish Rebuke
Level 1 Daily: Curse of the Dark Dream
Level 1 Encounter: Dreadful Word
Skills: Arcana 11, Bluff 9, History 9, Religion 9
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: any sort of nobility
Sucker For: halflings
Favourite Sin: Gluttony       Favourite Virtue: Generosity       Trusts in: Fate
She has a younger sibling who gets into trouble. Her favourite season is autumn.

Gnome Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Infernal     Level: 1
Str: 8     Con: 15     Dex: 14     Int: 14     Wis: 8     Cha: 12
Fort: 12   Ref: 13     Will: 12     AC: 14     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 27           Surge Value: 6       Surges: 8
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Hellish Rebuke
Level 1 Daily: Armor of Agathys
Level 1 Encounter: Witchfire
Skills: Arcana 9, History 7, Religion 7, Bluff 6
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: tieflings
Sucker For: clerics
Favourite Sin: Sloth       Favourite Virtue: Patience       Trusts in: Life
She still has feelings for a childhood sweetheart. Her favourite drink is coffee.

Gnome Warlord         Commanding Presence: Tactical     Level: 1
Str: 16     Con: 9     Dex: 14     Int: 18     Wis: 12     Cha: 18
Fort: 14   Ref: 14     Will: 15     AC: 15     Armor: hide
Hit Points: 21           Surge Value: 5       Surges: 6
At-will exploits:     Viper's Strike     Furious Smash
Level 1 Daily: Bastion of Defense
Level 1 Encounter: Warlord's Favor
Skills: Diplomacy 9, History 9, Intimidate 9, Endurance 4
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: tortured pasts
Sucker For: stoicism
Favourite Sin: Sloth       Favourite Virtue: Humility       Trusts in: Power
She has a few unusual superstitions. Her favourite season is winter.

Gnome Warlock         Eldritch Pact: Infernal     Level: 1
Str: 7     Con: 18     Dex: 16     Int: 18     Wis: 12     Cha: 16
Fort: 14   Ref: 15     Will: 14     AC: 15     Armor: leather
Hit Points: 30           Surge Value: 7       Surges: 10
At-will spells:    
At-will evocations:     Eldritch Blast     Hellish Rebuke
Level 1 Daily: Flames of Phlegethos
Level 1 Encounter: Witchfire
Skills: Arcana 11, History 9, Religion 9, Intimidate 8
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: unusual magic
Sucker For: cute and fuzzy things
Favourite Sin: Vanity       Favourite Virtue: Diligence       Trusts in: Courage
He is left-handed. His lucky number is 27.


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