Classes (monster hunter)

Monster hunter
Powers that stand against darkness and evil have always existed on Gciruna, the eons of that struggle culminate in these valiant servants of the greater good who devote their lives to hunting and destroying the things that go bump in the night. They also tend to deal with things that crash the night upon unsuspecting victims and really anything that stands in the way of the peaceful simple life of the peoples of Gciruna

HD 10
proficiency in all simple weapons and all silver or iron weapons.
uses medium or heavy armor.

has knowledge of history and religion as part of class and adds proficiency bonus to any knowledge checks in that field.
+1 (at level 2 it is a plus two at level 3 a +3 and so on) to attack rolls when using a silver or iron weapon.

they also gain spellcraft which means they can discern what kind of magic a certain spell is and even what the exact spell was.

Favored enemy: gain advantage on all wisdom (survival) checks on tracking undead or scaen creatures, as well as intelligence checks to recall information about them.

Natural explorer feat.

Fight style:
  1. Mixed- crossbow(2d8+dex to hit) and sword(2d6+str to hit) dex and strength focus
  2. single- either two crossbows or two swords and strength focus or dex focus
wrath(Ennir)/pain(Tessarian): d6 cost, deals d10 dmg for three rounds or 3d10 once.

due to often traveling the monster hunters have become healers among many other things giving them a d8 healing capability

Rebuke :d6 mp cost knocks enemy flat on their back (the knocked down enemy's AC can be ignored for a round)

Radiance(Ennir): d8 cost, you do 3d4 radiance damage and have a chance to blind your opponent (d20 roll above 10)
Cloak of Night(Tessarian):d8 cost, raises AC by 2 along with dex rolls +2 and enemy cannot see you unless they roll a wisdom save above 10

Ritual of the Wrathful One(Ennir): 2d8 cost, adds 1d6 (6) wrath damage to attacks for the encounter, can be cast on allies.
Rite of the Wronged(Tessarian): 2d8 cost, converts mp to hp or ac, if ac then the castee cannot make attack moves can be cast on allies. (a save from death move usually) lasts at least three rounds( I am debating how to work this spell) adds +4 to dex and charisma (hint non combat means only that you cannot damage the entity nothing is said against drugging and or negotiating, may initiate d20 vs d20 persuasions)

Urathyra/Feralloca: d10 cost, d12 first hit d6 each turn (maybe too OP maybe not)

from the Ennir/Tessarian you may have noticed some abilities only go with one or the other. Ennir's monster hunters focus on the aggressive and smashy smash side of things, while Tessarian's focus on defense and sneaky tactics (Tessarian mainly gets poisons and Ennir mainly gets buffs)

Tessarian poisons
  1. d4 each turn til inconcious
  2. d6 death poison- initially does 6 damage but each next hit for the encounter is +1d4
  3. d20 roll (beat their AC) +dex modifier, incapacitating drug and or poison

Ennir buffs
  1. d20 roll (above ten) surrounding allies gain +proficiency bonus to AC
  2. enniric aura- party adds d4 to weapon attacks if using silver or iron weapons
  3. party overall str increased


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