Peoples of Gciruna (race list for D&D)

The Younger Races
Humans:(Nirra) the children of Ennir and Siba through their daughter Melië (D&D they get +1 to all stats)
they break into three main groups which are the Eastern (valkatta), western (Ostvicen and anciently Ugrodén too), and southern (the southern kingdoms also called Altani). they worship a variety of gods and goddesses and are among the most numerous of the peoples on Gciruna

Goblins:(Dalnocit) originating from an elven splinter group that decided to dwell underground rather than beneath the stars and open skies. They built tunnels and underground cities and migrated south till they reached the sea and then they fell in love with the wind and waves and thusly became a sea faring people, the first mariners on Gciruna in fact. They are a bit odd in that they worship their creator Erallokea, but also the ocean as a divine force of nature.
stats for my goblins in D&D:
{D&D (+4dex +2cha +2str proficiency in trading and in navigation and sea travel , goblin stealth and tunnelwalk racial abilities goblin stealth(d4 cost invisibility thing) tunnelwalk (goblins can move faster underground or under trees and have advantage in those terrains and add proficiency when attacking or doing magic there.they subtract the prof bonus from spells there so as to lose less mana)}

Dwarves:(Sramar,Kainir,Sovr,Seidr,Malr,Vatrezir) the younger children of Kaiena, like the goblins they loved the caves and caverns rather than the peaks that their rather large cousins were fond of. they became great craftsmen and workers of stone and metal. They unfortunately have mostly disappeared as a people due to many wars with goblins and dragons whose dens they would accidentally(occasionally on purpose) dig into.
{D&D +1con +2str -2cha. racial ability metal scent dwarves gain proficiency whenever they are looking for metals and can find them just about anywhere, they also gain proficiency and advantage underground and when working with metal or stone, dwarf start with stone weapons as well}

Temaani: the temaani are the children of the god Kódi. Kódi is the god of the wilds and beasts but oddly also the protector of innocence and the innocent. Exactly how the Temaani came to be is a mystery beyond the knowledge that Kódi was responsible. They are a warlike, but not uneducated society made up of various tribes and clans that are always fighting one another for land and resources. anciently they did have a king that united them, or so the legend says. Each tribe swore fealty to the king and as a people they have a strong sense of honor. When the Valkatta confederacy came to power in the east they sent emissaries who won over each tribe thus making the entire race an ally to the confederacy but not to each other. For some reason that the other races do not understand, the majority of the Temaani do not worship their creator but rather the great force behind all living things and all creations.
{D&D int+1 cha+2 str+2. racial ability berserk which gives a +4 on attack rolls when either the player or an opponent is bloodied (at half health or less) temaani are also racially proficient with swords and have 2d4 claw attack due to natural weapons}
Scaenlings : +1 all, +2 str and advantage in intimidate and the blood drain 1d4 heal racial ability as well as advantage in the pales that allow scaenlings to add their proficiency
The Elder Races
Arbrígens (Yralokeai):
these are the first sentient creations of Erallokea ancestors to the elves and the goblins. There are not many who are still living but the few that are live deep in the northern woodlands and are not terribly fond of the grand cities of their younger kin. In short they are quite like ent-hermits
{D&D wis+4 int+3 dex-3 str+3, they gain nightvision and have advantage at night}

Giants : (Môtâya)the elder children of the goddess Kaiena and the first sentient creations by her, the giants are well giant, and they are fond of open spaces and sleep outside under the stars in the mountain heights of the east where they have remained since before the first rising of the sun. They are an ancient people with a mastery of earthenwork and stonework that is unparalleled anywhere and they shun the use of weapons not made by their own hands and some the use of weapons at all. of course nearly all giants worship Kaiena their mother goddess{D&D  +6 str +2wis +3con motaya lore racial ability (giants gain advantage in the mountains and can use a d8 healing or a d8 earthensmite)}
Urathians: The Urathians are counted among the elder races but they are not normally found walking among mortals. They are dragons that either lost the Draco-Deic war or those that changed sides during that war (which happened quite some time before the creation of mankind). Those who lost are repaying war debts to the gods as servants, as such they can do nothing without it being part of some cosmic scheme or other. those who changed sides are not much more than errand runners for the gods but they do have a little more freedom to do as they wish. in appearance they seem like elves with vibrantly coloured skin and sharp teeth and nails typically they have black hair and eyes of a solid color, but that color ranges as do their tones from most any shade of the rainbow. {D&D  str+4 cha+4 dex+2 proficiency in intimidation and persuasion d6 dragonfire racial ability}
Jákarór/Jákaróar : (singular Jákaru) there are few who see them and fewer who can speak to them. Most worship the god Kódi, which should come as no surprise when you hear the legend of their origins. The story goes that they were first a group of giants who were more of an exploratory type than their fellows and they journeyed north to the land that would one day be called Borvuria (after a rather mad plump nobleman who 'discovered' it) and there they offended the god of the wilds himself, Kódi. In his anger he cursed them and their descendants to look like polar bears, it is believed that they still have not been forgiven by Kódi for whatever ancient offense they made against him.
{D&D  +6 str +2wis +3con. racial ice roar 2d6 alongside 2d4 natural claw weapons}


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