A Bit on the Religions and deities of Gciruna

Priests of Túyúb
A strange gathering of people who started with a human named Feebuz who claims that the then unheard of god 'tuyub' spoke to him at mount arnak demanding he gain subscribers for him and to 'like' things...
Cult of Tessarian
those who worship the elf king Tessarian as a god and have access to his magics and the secrets of elven lore, also known as the cult of the guilty god because Tessarian is also responsible for the scaenling curse, and thus also the destruction of the nation Ugrodén. for his meddling in dark magic Tessarian did discover the secret to immortality for indirectly causing the death of an entire civilisation, the god Ennir banished him and all his people to a realm of shadow and twilight (they managed to sneak out later but Ennir still hates them) some monster hunters are in Tessarian's service
Temaani Pantheism
the crazed temaani tribes worship the universe and basically the force. priests of this religion are typically called shaman or skaldri.
Cult of Ennir
the main following of Ennir is in the nation Ostvicen, Ennir is the god of vengeance, the skies, and the plains. He is also the creator of mankind. most monster hunters vow service to him and gain their powers from him. He is the fourth oldest god and the son of the earth goddess Kaiena and the god of chaos Okhmilaias
Cult of Siba
Siba is the goddess of the rivers and the oceans and healing, most clerics follow her and gain healing from her. she is the wife of Ennir and is said to have given him the peach that he made mankind from. all the rivers in the world are demi-goddesses and daughters or sons of Siba
Cult of Kaiena
Kaiena is the earth mother, and creator of the race of giants and the maker of mountains as well as mother to Ennir. She is often called the all-mother by giants & dwarves and just grandmother in some circles of humans. she is also the patron goddess of orphans, as all sentient races are her children or the children of her sister Erallokea.
Cult of Erallokea
Erallokea is the moon goddess and the mother of the elves and goblins, she is the forest maker and is worshipped by the elves and goblins. the goblins also worship the sea as a deity but it is similar to the pantheism of the temaani
Cult of Jeia
Jeia is the goddess of time and death, she is called the shepherdess of the dead because she guides the fallen to the various afterlives of their faiths. her followers just wander the earth as spirits when they die but they  do not tend to mind as they learn all they want to about anything and they get to see the passing of time, along with flight and random possession they see it as a good deal. jeia is also the patron of the royal house of the Valkatta confederacy (because she founded it, as the first queen) the royal line and some noble houses and random folk in valkatta have red hair, that comes from Jeia she has bloodred hair and red hair is called the mark of Jeia and only those with bloodlines that have mingled with hers can have red hair. necromancers often worship her and gain their powers from her.
A god named Kódi
Kódi is the god of the wilds and the father of the Temaani, the jarls and chieftains of that people are among those that worship Kódi. The Jákaróar also mainly worship Kódi.
Ylerai is the god of wishes, chance, and luck he is often worshipped by city dwellers. His flocks of followers can be primarily distinguished by the weapons they bear. he is mainly worshipped in the southern kingdoms
the Goddess of Tricksters, Mercenaries, Friendship, oaths or promises, and wordplay. Like Ylerai she is mainly worshipped in the southern kingdoms, she is seen as patroness to rogues and thieves, but thieves that steal from thieves and those that break contracts or agreements or promises can expect to be visited by misfortune and wrath from this goddess.


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