
Showing posts from 2017

The red kingdom

The red kingdom. A fitting name for the midlands of what was once Nen. Now ruled by the goddess of death and her human companion it must cement itself as a power on the world stage because enemies abound and all are eager to see the land fall into the hands of the now ousted house of Gann well named the red kingdom was won by bloody revolution and dissatisfied lords with the help of the death goddess jeia herself. jeia's lover Nanrinn now sits on the shaky throne of the red kingdom (valkatta) and he needs to establish allies, and fast. to the north he has the Northern Princedoms of Nen who are not too happy about him taking their capital city and establishing his own kingdom in the heartland of what was once their land. the southern Princedoms are equally upset and for the same reason. to the west is the majestic nation of Blidecra that is not comfortable with the shaky and violent situation going on no farther than a day's journey from their capital arrinor. King Nanrinn h

Ennirism: The faith of the children of Yndri

Ennirism: the most common faith had among humans in the second era (827-1458) the story goes that Yndri was the first human, and he was created to give Melië the daughter of Ennir and his wife Siba a friend and a companion. Yndri was made from a stone a peach and a twig, those three items representing the other creations the stone for the giants and dwarves, the twig for the elves and goblins, and the peach representing the mysterious creation of the divines. Yndri and Melië eventually fell in love, after a long and cherished friendship. They later asked Ennir for more companions and so six other couples were made these 14 individuals made up the <Hysritha> or the first people. The Enniric tradition has it that all humans are descended from these 14 people. The children of the Hysritha are called the vóda and the vóda are the ancestors to the ''modern'' humans the Nirra. a little bit of history The holy book of Ennirism is called the book of Yndri and it is the

Kalena: the Dwarven faith

Kalena the religion of the vast majority of the Dwarf kingdoms and those that dwell therein. The Dwarves worship their creator, the goddess Kaiena. Kaiena is not only the goddess of the mountains and the giants and the dwarves but she is also the patron goddess of orphans and those who are abandoned, or lost in foreign lands. a follower of Kaiena, regardless of race, is called a kilnir or a kelna (plural Kulnu). the kulnu value kindness, respect, and honor as the highest of virtues. common tenets in the faith are Respect of the faith of the land in which the kelnir finds themself, and all faiths they encounter.  Care for the Orphans, the abandoned, lonely, and the traveler. In fact Kalenite shrines or temples are houses of refuge and are open to all who are willing to be respectful and honorable guests and many function as orphanages Sacredness of promises and oaths A visit to Kal'kalanum every seventh year from the time you joined the faith The use of oath trinkets, be the

talkra map




village chaos campaign character choices.

1 .Occupations: choose an occupation.(these serve as part one of your character background) The Baker : you start with a d8 rolling pin as a weapon, a 30 silver bag of flour, a hat, 3 d6 kitchen knives and one d8 kitchen knife, a bag of salt, a bag of sugar, and three pastries of your choice. bonus: you gain advantage on charisma rolls, and rolls about food. The Smith: you start with a d10 hammer, a 2d6 longsword, a +2 AC smith's apron, resistance to fire, +2 strength, advantage on intimidate (unless you are a gnome)jk. proficiency with all weapons, you have a pocket full of soot, raw iron and silver and olacite ore in a backpack, a billows, smith's tools, 37 iron ingots and a pair of scissors. The Librarian : you start with three unread books, a jar of ink, 7 sheaves of paper, a quill (d4+str+dex), a d8 staff, (books do d6) advantage on all knowledge rolls, 212 silver coins, int +4 wis +3, advantage on sneak. The watchman : AC+3, 2 swords one that does 2d6 and a d8 sw

Classes (monster hunter)

Monster hunter Powers that stand against darkness and evil have always existed on Gciruna, the eons of that struggle culminate in these valiant servants of the greater good who devote their lives to hunting and destroying the things that go bump in the night. They also tend to deal with things that crash the night upon unsuspecting victims and really anything that stands in the way of the peaceful simple life of the peoples of Gciruna HD 10 proficiency in all simple weapons and all silver or iron weapons . uses medium or heavy armor. has knowledge of history and religion as part of class and adds proficiency bonus to any knowledge checks in that field. +1 (at level 2 it is a plus two at level 3 a +3 and so on) to attack rolls when using a silver or iron weapon. they also gain spellcraft which means they can discern what kind of magic a certain spell is and even what the exact spell was. Favored enemy : gain advantage on all wisdom (survival) checks on tracking undead o

Peoples of Gciruna (race list for D&D)

The Younger Races Humans :(Nirra) the children of Ennir and Siba through their daughter Melië (D&D they get +1 to all stats) they break into three main groups which are the Eastern (valkatta), western (Ostvicen and anciently Ugrodén too), and southern (the southern kingdoms also called Altani). they worship a variety of gods and goddesses and are among the most numerous of the peoples on Gciruna Goblins :(Dalnocit) originating from an elven splinter group that decided to dwell underground rather than beneath the stars and open skies. They built tunnels and underground cities and migrated south till they reached the sea and then they fell in love with the wind and waves and thusly became a sea faring people, the first mariners on Gciruna in fact. They are a bit odd in that they worship their creator Erallokea, but also the ocean as a divine force of nature. stats for my goblins in D&D: { D&D (+4dex +2cha +2str proficiency in trading and in navigation and sea travel , g

A Bit on the Religions and deities of Gciruna

Priests of Túyúb A strange gathering of people who started with a human named Feebuz who claims that the then unheard of god 'tuyub' spoke to him at mount arnak demanding he gain subscribers for him and to 'like' things... Cult of Tessarian those who worship the elf king Tessarian as a god and have access to his magics and the secrets of elven lore, also known as the cult of the guilty god because Tessarian is also responsible for the scaenling curse, and thus also the destruction of the nation Ugrodén. for his meddling in dark magic Tessarian did discover the secret to immortality for indirectly causing the death of an entire civilisation, the god Ennir banished him and all his people to a realm of shadow and twilight (they managed to sneak out later but Ennir still hates them) some monster hunters are in Tessarian's service Temaani Pantheism the crazed temaani tribes worship the universe and basically the force. priests of this religion are typically called

D&D games Gciruna campaign

updates on the games that happened can be found here because why not do that. It's helpful isn't it? Wednesday group 1/11/2017: the players are a party in an adventuring guild based in Madjisfa. They took a contract to help two raggedy looking people. A man named Tiromdas and his blind red haired companion a woman named tirombel. The party is taking these two people to Kolaxkexif , a port city and from there to the city called Aiotkakhal. The party ran into a small deal of trouble while traveling (bandits happened man, bandits) but the trouble was quickly dealt with and then they found a cool cave so huzzah! you found a cave in the forest and stumbled on the of dwarf city Khaborium 1/25/17the party ended up in the city of Aiotkakhal and took a contract to find the lost priestess of Túyúb, Piudippia. piudippia ended up marrying one of the members of the party and another found the love of her life after buying a slave from the travelling merchant Kalndris. while a

Classes (Summoner)

this is incomplete to be simplified The Summoner magic schools are conjuration and evocation. note that the spells vary based on which magic house you belong to. Not every house gets every spell. houses are as follows: Enniric, Okhmilaiate, Tessarian, Jeian. summoners also choose an element which they gain proficiency in they are the following: Ice, Fire, Earth, Water, Light, Dark, or Hex. spell list: alter self : cost 1 action 2d4 one of three outcomes you either adapt your body to an aquatic environment giving yourself gills and thus the ability to breathe under water or you change your appearance or you give yourself natural weapons that do 1d6 damage animal shapes cost 1 action and 8d4   you turn any willing targets into animals they gain the hp of the animal and return to their normal form when their hp reaches 0 targets cannot wield or benefit from their equipment when transformed Arcane eye cost 1 action and 6d4   you summon a little floating eye that you can use